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SourceMod build 6917

Plugin CS:S FREE SourceMod build 6917 1.11

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  • Include DHooks2 as first-party extension.
  • New OnPlayerRunCmdPre forward to get raw values before other plugins mess with them.
  • New OnNotifyPluginUnloaded() forward for child plugin resource management.
  • Gamedata files are automatically reparsed on load if they have changed since the last load.
  • Signature lookups are done on the unchanged binary in memory. No need to wildcard the first bytes if the function gets detoured anymore!
  • A2S_RULES query fix for CS:GO allowing to query public convar values like in all other games.
  • New forwards when clients use voice chat.
  • Add frequently used SDK calls like LookupEntityAttachment and SetEntityCollisionGroup.
  • PostgreSQL database driver.
  • Updated GeoIP extension to use newer database format.
  • Rewrite of the SourcePawn parser to separate it from code generation in the compiler to allow for further improvement of the language.
  • Various stability and documentation improvements.
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